
Harvesting monitoring

In the northern regions of Kazakhstan, the main crops are harvested from August to October. SAR harvesting monitoring is a means to control the effectiveness of state programs implementation providing support to farmers.

Different-time SAR images allows to track changes on field surface resulting from phenophase changes and agricultural works such as sowing, plowing, harvesting, etc.

harvest monioring map of the northern regions of Kazakhstan

North Kazakhstan

SAR data

SAR imagery of the agricultural fields before SAR imagery of the agricultural fields after
July 30, 2019

Optical data

optical imagery of the agricultural fields before optical imagery of the agricultural fields after
July 30, 2019

Damaged crop mapping

The Effect Flooding had on Agriculture in Nebraska, USA. Rising water levels in Nebraska, that had damaged hundreds of homes and caused three deaths have also taken a heavy toll on agriculture. The flood had inundated thousands of acres, threatening stockpiled grain and killing multiple livestock.

Analytics have estimated a total of $400 million in losses for the cow-calf industry and another $440 million of crop damages from the flood in Nebraska.
satellite imagery of river and nearby agricultural lands
November 23, 2018
satellite imagery of damaged agricultural lands by flooding
April 4, 2019
SAR time series imaging of crop damage
Red: November 23, 2018 Green: April 4, 2019 Blue: April 4, 2019

The effect flooding had on agriculture in Nebraska, USA

A prolonged excess of moisture in plants root zone is one of the main causes of crop death. Water prevents the oxygen flow, which leads to plant root damage and death.

Spaceborne SAR time series imaging can be used to detect the flooding events, monitor and estimate area of overwatered farm lands.

Soil moisture assessment

Soil moisture assessment plays a key role in agriculture and directly affects plant health and productivity. A prolonged lack of moisture may cause agricultural drought and crop damage.

Use soil moisture maps to control crop watering regime, and to identify waterlogged and arid fields.

θm, m-3/m-3

color volumetric water content modeled map black and white volumetric water content modeled map

California, US: volumetric water content modeled maps